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How to Improve HR & Talent Management Through Digitalization

September 17, 2021


  • EDITORIAL TEAM Talent Management Institute
How to Improve HR & Talent Management Through Digitalization

In recent years, digital transformation has been a top priority. Employees want to work in a collaborative, inclusive, flexible, and energetic workplace. Companies that can provide digital leadership have higher employee engagement and better performance.

However, to improve talent management, it is not enough to introduce a new management perspective that aligns with the paradigm shift in digitization. A lack of commitment can hinder this transformation. To ensure trust among all stakeholders, it is important to make a fundamental change in how HR recruits.

Human Resources (HR) plays a critical role in digital transformation. Employee onboarding and engagement are vital components of this process. In addition, digital company culture should make optimum use of digital technology to form an agile and transparent process aiding a better employee & customer experience.

The role of an HR is to ensure that change happens throughout the company and that employees understand the purpose and values of the organization.

Leadership Priorities: Talent Management with Digital Skills

Digital skills training and employee development are key to survival in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. To ensure you are at the forefront of digital transformation, give your staff opportunities to learn new skills and to have the space and confidence to use those skills to create ideas.

It's up to you to create the talent you'll need in the future, and through continuous training, to keep the talent you already have. The role of HR in digital media has diversified more than ever.

First and foremost, employees must understand the "why" of digital change. Professor and chair of organizational behavior at London Business School, Dr. Daniel Cable, says, "Let people understand why they are changing, and ensure they have a clear understanding of what they can do to make it work."

The HR’s must take an initiative of implementing changes in their own processes to emphasize on digital transformation within the organization.

To be a successful digital organization, you need to have a clear vision and an understanding of the issues. Organizations that win the digital transformation race are keen to invest in creating a culture of change. This means that you view setbacks as an integral part of success and quickly overcome them to achieve your goals.

Organizational changes in the digital age

Digital transformations are driving evolution and shifting the focus to the processes for achieving results. The fundamental role of change management is to occur naturally as technology advances and allows employees to take on multiple roles. The company can become more collaborative by leveraging the latest technological advances in favor of innovation.

Digitalization: A Window Into The Future

Our world is digital, global, and hyper-connected. Social and technological changes have characterized this change. The continuous emergence of new market players, off-site mobility, and constant connectivity significantly impact our lives. A digital transformation is no longer an option. It is essential that people get out of their comfort zones, reinvent themselves, and compete in a world dominated by technological advancements.

Methodologies for improving Talent and HR Management

It is expected of an empowered worker to feel they are being undervalued. Today's high performers clearly understand their value, which makes it easy for competitors and recruiters to find them, this drives the future of HR in the digital age.

Digital labor platforms allow HR’s to select the best employees from their company and make it easy for employees to declare their presence in new ways.

Below is a list that will help you improve your HR and talent management in the digital era:

1. Training and Onboarding

Today's labor platforms allow you to create a customized, thorough, and fast onboarding experience for HRs as well as the new employees. For example, Google was able to increase productivity by creating an onboarding schedule, which resulted in a 15% increase in the productivity of its new employees.

One-off training may not be enough in a fast-changing business environment. For knowledge-oriented businesses, virtual learning is essential. They also need ongoing support. Online learning and in-house training can be very helpful.

2. Measure your success rates

HR must address the challenge of proposing metrics, in addition to areas of expertise and innovative skills. These metrics are related to optimal performance and other digital goals set by the company.

It is important to break down the goals into KPIs and link ROI. This will help define success at different levels of the transformation. For effective planning and monitoring, talent management data must be integrated with business intelligence data.

3. Transform your Management

Although there is resistance to change at the lower levels, the primary goal of any digital HR strategy should be to transform the Management and drive leadership in this shift towards a customer-oriented approach. Therefore, the goal of a talent management professional is to create the necessary tools and resources for a viable approach.

Changes in Management are mainly about a shift in mindset. Talent Management Professionals need to educate and develop digital leaders who are open to innovation. In addition, an HR department must support an infrastructure that allows the Management to define steps towards real results clearly. Companies that create a positive environment for learning, knowledge transfer, and performance management are more likely to reach the top of digital competence.

4. Clear Communication

Effective talent management requires a balance between communication methods and frequency among HR and individual teams. For Example - Team meetings should be transparent about time-sensitive issues and long-term goals. You can share the podium to ensure that everyone is involved in the discussion.

Engaging your employees in meetings may seem tough but can be simply achieved by making everyone accountable for small tasks related to the meeting. Example: Appointing someone to conduct the meetings every week. They will be able to take notes and ensure a productive meeting. This wilhelp in increasing productivity & scout in house talent

Finally, the HR manager must create a strong sense of connection and collaboration within the team by establishing social media communities.

5. Use Multi-Channel Activities

Digital HR processes use the cloud, mobile and social technologies to gather and analyze data and monitor employee experiences. Therefore, HR managers must create a plan that includes platforms and multi-channel activities to manage the entire integrated program at different levels of the digital transformation process.

The HR department must integrate multiple processes and systems from collaboration to performance management to staff training to communication tools. Integrations are a way to make better decisions and increase productivity.

6. Cross-Functional Collaboration

A huge challenge faced by an HR recruitment agency in recent years is encouraging HRs to establish strong co-dependencies with other units in the organization.

In an age of digital interference, human resources are closely tied to the company's infrastructure. To recruit talent and create an environment for information flow and central intelligence, the HR department must work closely with IT. Customer-centric approaches, however, require that the customer experience mirrors that of employees, cross functional collaboration enables transparency & increases engagement with multiple departments collaborating with each other.

7. Collaboration is key to success

You can encourage innovation by organizing brainstorming sessions and design thinking. It is also important to promote diversity within groups. The leader is the person who guides employees to make the best decisions for their professional and personal development. As an HR professional, you must partner with your employees to achieve success.

However, technology and executive alignment are not sufficient to drive an organization's digital transformation. The company's greatest asset is its people. A culture of innovation is created when employees are motivated and engaged. This is crucial for any company's success in the digital age. The best HR experiences are based on digital client practices. They focus on the employee's personal and professional well-being and help them achieve their potential. It is the purpose that drives people and the people who drive company growth.

Closing Notes:

It is not easy to become a successful digital organization. However, it can be very rewarding as it opens up the door to a new era of technological advancements and provides tangible benefits so don’t hesitate to start.

Although there is no magic formula for success, following the steps outlined above can help increase your chances of success. Then, it's time for you to move.

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