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TMI Academic Affiliation Program for HR Schools/talent-management-institute-partnership/university-partnerships
Academic Affiliation Program

Academic Affiliation Program

The TMI Academic Affiliation program equips business schools, universities and other specialist HR schools with the knowledge, process and formal mechanisms to deliver outcome-driven education on the highest global standards synced to industry requirements in Talent Management.

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TMI-recognized Talent Management educators globally (Updated till December 31, 2024)

  • NyU
  • University of TEXAs
  • logo
  • ATM
  • The OHIO state University
  • University of south carolina
  • university of MINNESOTA
  • Temple university
  • Pepperdine
  • Saint Joseph's university
  • logo
  • Manchester 1824
  • MDI
  • XLRI
  • logo
  • TISS
  • logo
  • T
  • UNSW
  • LSE
  • logo
  • TEKING University
  • University Van Petoria
  • logo
  • logo
  • logo
  • UUM
  • Blurred
  • MASSEY University
  • Business school sao paulo
  • Durham University
  • Lancaster university
  • Aston University
  • Blurred
  • University of BATH

Increase Institutional Impact

TMI helps affiliated HR schools rapidly improve their potential for impact and recognition. TMI Academic Affiliation increases institutions’ employer attractiveness and creates a mechanism for enhancing student employability, career readiness and growth prospects, setting them up for future success in their careers.

...observe that academic affiliation with global bodies...

  • Increases Trust & Credibility Increases Trust & Credibility
  • Improves Student Registrations Improves Student Registrations
  • Improves Quality of Education Improves Quality of Education
  • Enhances Brand Value Enhances Brand
  • Helps Achieve leadership Helps achieve Leadership

Boost Employer Attraction

Campus recruiters for HR talent are looking for students who display qualifications and competencies in Talent Management. CEOs and CHROs expect HR schools to produce future leaders who are ready to become part of their high impact Talent Management teams.

The TMI Academic Affiliation program demonstrates your institution’s commitment to delivering the best standards in Talent Management education to your HR students. This increases your institution’s credibility to the best employers and makes you an attractive institution for companies to hire smart HR professionals.

Talent Management Teams

Enhance Employability Outcomes

Increasingly, the best entry level HR jobs are going to graduates who have additional qualifications showcasing their competency in Talent Management.

TMP™ has helped HR graduates all over the world launch their careers and achieve accelerated growth in Talent Management. The TMP™ credential assures recruiters that students are well-versed with the latest perspectives, insights and skillsets in Talent Management and have what it takes to make it to the CHROs’ top Talent Management teams. The TMP™ journey helps students practice relevant frameworks of the architecture and construct of Talent Management, such as leadership, technology and culture change. Additionally, students get to directly learn the methods of managing various areas in Talent Management, such as talent incumbency and growth, talent performance excellence and retention, and even talent offboarding and outplacement, which strengthens their employability significantly.

Enrich Academic Offerings

Enrich Academic Offerings

Affiliating with TMI enables HR schools to obtain expertise and credibility in Talent Management education and enrich their academic and executive leadership programs.

TMI helps affiliated institutions introduce advanced degree and doctoral programs as part of their offerings, allowing professionals to build an even deeper skillset and knowledge base in Talent Management.

Additionally, students and alumni of TMI-recognized and affiliated institutions can directly register for TMI Talent Management certifications at a subsidized fee through the QualiFLY™ program. The TMP™ and the STMP™ certifications help students and alums develop a comprehensive understanding of the key practices and trends in Talent Management and examine critical issues, challenges and opportunities in the discipline today. The GTML™ and the TMI Fellow programs in Talent Management are ideal for senior alumni and professionals enrolled in executive education programs and for the school’s professors and researchers who want to become impactful leaders in their institution.

Simple and Convenient Affiliation Process

  • 1 Apply Online

    Apply for affiliation Online You will receive an email with a link to create your account on the TMInet portal. The application and affiliation processes will be conducted on your TMInet dashboard.

  • 2 Complete Sign Up

    Check your email, sign the contract, and log into TMInet account to begin the affiliation process. Your TMInet dashboard will provide you with updates on the affiliation process.


    Provide information about your institution and programs through a form available on your dashboard. All discussions related to the affiliation process will occur on the dashboard.

Express your Interest
Global Edge to your Students
TMI Academic Affiliation Program

Obtain Meaningful Support

Besides ensuring that the affiliation process is convenient and simple, TMI is also committed to supporting the needs of affiliated schools and ensuring a smooth learning and exam-taking experience for their students. You can contact TMI support at any time with questions or concerns about anything and we will be happy to help you.


CredBadge™ is a proprietary, secure, digital badging platform that provides for seamless authentication and verification of credentials across digital media worldwide.

CredBadge™ powered credentials ensure that professionals can showcase and verify their qualifications and credentials across all digital platforms, and at any time, across the planet.


Verify A Credential

Please enter the License Number/Unique Credential Code of the certificant. Results will be displayed if the person holds an active credential from TMI.