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Enterprise Talent Management Standards Vocabulary/enterprise-certifications/etms-vocabulary

The TMIETMS Logo Vocabulary

Knowing the following lingo will help you understand the TMI-ETMS framework more effectively

  • The TMI–ETMS

    The term is used to collectively refer to the TMI enterprise standards and certifications.

  • TME

    An acronym of Talent Management Excellence, the objective of implementing the TMI-ETMS standards into an organization.

  • TMI–ETMS Standards

    This is the generic term for the TMI enterprise level framework and standards. Organizations that comply 100% with these standards are awarded the TMI enterprise certifications - TMI-ETMS10 and TMI-ETMS14. There are currently 14 TME Junctions in the TMI-ETMS standards.

  • TMI–ETMS standards-framework

    This is the exact moniker for the TMI Talent Management standards framework for enterprises or, TMI-ETMS Standards, as previously mentioned. TMI-ETMS standards-framework is composed of 14 TME Junctions that an organization applies to their Talent Management practices among their Human Resources Management offices.

  • TMI–ETMS Certifications

    This refers to the two TMI-ETMS certifications, TMI-ETMS10 and TMI-ETMS14. Enterprises can obtain these certifications to demonstrate the Talent Management proficiencies of their HRM function. TMI awards these certifications to organizations after verifying their compliance with the TMI-ETMS standards.

  • TMI–ETMS Credentials

    The term refers to the two TMI-ETMS certifications, TMI-ETMS10 and TMI-ETMS14. Enterprises can obtain these certifications to demonstrate the Talent Management proficiencies of their HRM function. TMI awards these certifications to organizations after verifying their compliance with the TMI-ETMS standards.

  • TMI–ETMS10 and TMI–ETMS14

    These terms refer to the two TMI-ETMS certifications that enterprises can obtain to demonstrate the Talent Management proficiencies of their HRM functions. TMI awards these certifications to organizations after verifying they are compliant with the TMI-ETMS standards.

  • TME Junctions

    These are the areas where an organization implementing the TMI-ETMS standards-framework is required to align its policies and practices. Organizations then report compliance in order to obtain the TMI-ETMS10 or the TMI-ETMS14 certification.

  • Audits

    The term describing exercises conducted by TMI to verify documentation and other evidence to prove an organization's adherence to the TMI-ETMS standards-framework. The system through which TMI conducts these audits and verification exercises is called the TMI PRIDEScan.

  • The TMI PRIDEScan

    This is a five-layered system in which auditing assessments are conducted to approve the degree of adherence by client organizations. Auditors determine how well the five TME Drivers of the PRIDEScan are embedded in the organization's HRM system.

  • TME drivers

    The five components of the TMI PRIDEScan are referred to as the Talent Management Excellence (TME) drivers. The components are Practice, Relevance, Impacts, Diffusivity and Evolution.

  • TMI–ETMS Credentialing Model

    This term describes the process TMI undergoes to award its TMI-ETMS10 or TMI-ETMS14 certifications. Read more on the link on this subject.

  • Contact us if there’s a term you need to understand better.


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