If you have a large HR team distributed across the world, and an even bigger army of line managers across functions, allow us to build a smart Talent Management certification system right inside your company. The TMI Corporate Partners helps large business and non-business organizations create their own in-house Talent Management training, education and certification centers aligned to TMI global standards.
Getting HR and talent teams TMI certified helps organizations become agile to changes and establish a robust foundation for talent-led growth. During their TMI certification journeys, participants develop sound knowledge of principles and frameworks, as well as a comprehensive best-practices perspective. This readies them for championing and leading a variety of talent management initiatives.
Market competitiveness of corporations, industrial and economic growth of nations, and effective delivery of social-impact results have become intricately linked to the quality of Talent Management being practiced in organizations. It is imperative for them to have their HR workforce competent in Talent Management. TMI partner organizations have been helping internal HR academies and learning departments develop internal capabilities in Talent Management for many years now. Typical TMI Corporate Partners include HR academies; employee development centers; and learning and development departments of large business and non-business organizations that have a huge employee base and a large count of line managers.
TMI Corporate Partners are assisted in designing and delivering custom programs for various levels and categories of employees. The partnership serves to establish a formal mechanism within the organization to train and certify employees smoothly. Though, certification exams can be taken anytime, anywhere individually by participants, special group exam center can be also established within the premises. Corporate Education partners are independent in controlling processes of training and certifying their HR employees on TMP™, STMP™ and GTML™. TMI Corporate Partners obtain access to official TMI content, frameworks, and learning aids for deployment in internal talent development and transformation initiatives. Under certain circumstances, TMI also considers Corporate Partner requests to introduce their own special internal certifications to be co-branded with TMI.
Apply for PartnershipOpen a new world of HR and business excellence by embracing the world’s foremost Talent Management competence framework.
The prospective partner fills out the Online application form on the TMI website.
The application is processed for review and a confirmation email is sent to the prospective partner stating that their application has been received.
A TMI representative connects with the prospective partner to discuss the partnership opportunities. The prospective partner receives product brochures and digital materials related to the partnership.
The TMI representative presents partnership opportunity to the TMI Partner Board and then the partnership decision is communicated to the prospective partner.
The partnership is formalized and accompanying documentation is shared and submitted. The new partner completes the formalities of purchasing TMI Certification Units for their internal team.
CredBadge™ is a proprietary, secure, digital badging platform that provides for seamless authentication and verification of credentials across digital media worldwide.
CredBadge™ powered credentials ensure that professionals can showcase and verify their qualifications and credentials across all digital platforms, and at any time, across the planet.
Please enter the License Number/Unique Credential Code of the certificant. Results will be displayed if the person holds an active credential from TMI.