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Wield the Talent Management Sword to Vanquish Your Competitors

August 20, 2018


  • EDITORIAL TEAM Talent Management Institute
Wield the Talent Management Sword to Vanquish Your Competitors

“The army stood at the gates. The enemy would not yield, but deep within, they were trembling. There was a sort of invincibility around the invaders that struck fear in their hearts. There was an aura of conviction, of sheer will, and it seemed to have multiplied their vigor and it was only a matter of time before the castle would be taken. Then, they started breaking the walls…”

Every element essential to a high-drama fantasy battle scene is present in the real-world daily battle for market share. The erstwhile army, aka your workforce, coupled with your strategy are the decisive factors in driving business success and growth. Imagine, then, how critical it is to manage them effectively; not simply manage, but nurture and develop your talent pool to create the high performance that will help you to win the battle.

You can be sure that others are raising their armies for the battle as well. Among companies that prioritize proper talent management and have clear purpose for their employees, returns stood at 1,646% between 1996 and 2011, compared to the S&P 500 at a measly 157%.

Which begs the question, why all the hype and hoopla surrounding the importance of Talent Management in the digital era? Let’s take a closer look:

To dig into the true sense of the term, the modern workforce has evolved far beyond their predecessors. A newer, now smarter, set of systems, practices and technologies are the mainstay of managing your army optimally. Let’s face it – digital transformation has wreaked havoc on the old dogmatic and archaic systems of human capital management. The evolved talent management capabilities of the new enterprise not only mandate faster response time, and personalized solutioning, they also require multitasking with the help of technology, the likes of which the world has never seen before. If you’re a non-believer, then the “Robot Vera” case study, currently making its rounds on social media, might just be what the doctor ordered. No doubt that the modern talent manager has their work cut out for them. How are they doing things differently? Here’s how:


Probably stating the obvious here, but the quintessential Talent Manager needs to have a firm grasp on the dynamics and mechanics that make up a successful, systems oriented, talent management program. Vis-à-vis the millennial workforce, talent managers ought to:

So how does the ambitious talent manager jump on the bandwagon? Being proficient in the mechanics of the function is a good place to start, and a professional certification from a globally reputed name is going to be the one to cut it for you.

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