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Technology Driven Talent Management: The Future of HR Challenges

December 15, 2021


  • EDITORIAL TEAM Talent Management Institute
Technology Driven Talent Management: The Future of HR Challenges

A manager typically spends more than one-third of their time managing talent. This is a major management challenge. Although finding talented people is a challenge in all trades and industries, attracting & retaining talent for technology teams have become a huge problem. Every sector is now integrating technology into its business processes and automating its workflows. Industries that used technology early are leveraging machine learning and artificial intelligence in their offerings and operations. With huge investments from investors, the technology-led startup market has expanded. This has created a highly competitive talent market that makes it even more difficult to hire.

In line with this, the big questions are how we can attract the best talent and retain them. It is important to understand each individual's motivations and align them with your vision and future goals. It is important to understand what motivates your employees to focus on accomplishing things when working with you. Although everyone is unique, most people's motivations can be classified as Money, Team, and Type of Projects, Title, Work-life balance, Technology being used, Target industry, Target customer segment/personas, Work location, and Flexibility. You need to understand their motivations and determine what they want.

Organizations must have an eye on their employees, not just their motivations. Senior leaders will find it difficult to meet with all employees as the business grows. This makes it crucial to develop people-centric values that are shared throughout the company. It is important to have a system of rewards and recognition that supports employee engagement. Beyond these, incorporate people-oriented practices into your day-to-day work. Have regular review meetings and make sure that you have conversations that go beyond project updates. Organize show-and-tell sessions so people can showcase their work. Establish strong rewards and recognition.

Key challenges to retaining employees

Retaining talent is the new battleground in business. Companies compete not only for customers but also for talent. There are more job opportunities than qualified job applicants at the moment. What does this all mean? The best talent is already in use. These are the most talented people working. They are also leaving. This is because there are more job opportunities in strong economies. Companies must compete for qualified talent.

CEOs consider "retaining existing talent" the most difficult challenge in their management and "attracting qualified talent as one of the top management challenges."

Employers are often concerned about the ability to retain their best employees. If a great employee leaves, the workload can increase, productivity sinks and morale may suffer. It can also be costly and difficult to recruit, train, and onboard new employees. Retention is the solution. So that your employees don't leave, keep them happy. Determine why your employees are going before you implement an employee retention program. These are the top reasons employees leave your company:

1. Employees don't feel engaged.

What does it mean to be "engaged"? They are motivated, enthusiastic, inspired, involved, and committed to their work. If the Employees feel emotionally connected to their work, they will put in the extra effort.

2. They have poor managers.

Employees want to feel appreciated. Recognizing and responding to employees' concerns and suggestions is a way to show that you value them. Therefore, it's important to listen, take action, and explain why your proposal is not possible.

3. Employees don't see the opportunity to grow.

Employees who feel they have hit a brick wall or don't see their future will look for new opportunities. Employees will be more loyal if they can learn new skills and advance in their careers.

4. Technology and procedures are no longer relevant.

Your friends should be time, tools, training. If the technology being used by the employees is outdated, they might move on to a company that uses the right set of technology.

5. Your company vision is not clear to employees.

People want to work for a company that has a strong corporate culture. This includes a clear mission statement and a set of values that all employees, including the CEO, have bought into and are committed to.

6. There is no work-life harmony.

It will help to keep top talent by paying attention to how employees manage their work-life balance. Employees will feel valued and not just a cog in the machine. It's easy to emphasize the importance of work-life balance. However, to retain the best talent, you will need to do more than give.

Future Challenges for Talent Acquisition & Retention

1. Keep up with Transforming Behaviors

The world has changed rapidly in the past year. But beware! This will create a new behavior pattern that will forever change the future of work. These changes require talent management professionals to adapt.

2. Developing High-Potential Leaders

Leadership qualities include a plethora of things that cannot be accurately assessed in a hybrid working model, and this might be a problematic thing in the future.

3. Evaluating and Embedding Talent Management Practices

With a digital workforce dependent on leaders, SOPs & review mechanisms to function efficiently, a lot of due diligence will need to be done to evaluate all organizational needs.

The Right Approach: Build-Buy-Borrow-Bind

  • Filling your Talent Needs with a BUILD Recruitment Strategy

A build recruiting strategy works when the company's goals allow for long-term development plans.

Recognizing future priorities gives the company time to identify employees' skills and those they need to create a plan to fill the gap. As a result, the company can plan and allocate resources to address future skills needs.

When the workforce is stable, the build tactic works well. Organizations don't want their employees that they trained and developed to leave.

Even if you are sourcing the best candidates now, it may be necessary to develop a build strategy. Because it takes time to build people and see results, and it is always good to start thinking about succession planning.

  • A BUY Strategy to Search for Talent

The obvious advantage of recruiting talent from outside is bringing skills and experience not available within your organization. For example, startups might require someone with expertise in getting funding. A marketing professional might be a good choice if an organization is about to launch a new product.

Another benefit is to have a fresh perspective in the company. A new perspective can help a company see if something is missing from the collaboration process. For example, organizations looking to make difficult changes in their personnel might find it easier to hire from the outside. In business, it's not uncommon for the people who brought the company to where it is today to be the ones who can lead it to the next level.

  • Use a BORROW Recruitment Strategy to Meet Your Staffing Demands

No matter how large or small the organization, there is always a need to have skilled workers. They don't need to use it all the time, but it is important when they do. Organizations can also hire contractors, freelancers, and consultants instead of hiring full-time employees. You can also employ part-time, temporary, or on-call workers.

  • Bind - Find ways to keep the most talented employees

Money is a powerful motivator, but other rewards are more effective in communicating the message. Employees should be encouraged to stay with organizations.


Adoption of technology, among other things, focuses on the following key areas:

  • Align strategic business needs with talent

  • Precise decision making in real-time

  • Improved Talent Management

  • Global talent pool with more targeted and global reach

  • Reducing hiring times and recruiting costs

  • Talent mobilization and deployment that works

  • Increase collaboration and networking to increase employee engagement

  • Align rewards and compensation with employee performance and business goals

  • Take evidence-based actions to predict future events and adjust strategies

  • Measuring the impact of the HR value chain

The right metrics and analyses can help align the talent strategy with the business strategy.


The right approach to talent management can help organizations track their talent from their hiring through their career development and retention enabling organizations to achieve the desired ROI by combining technology and strategy.

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