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Jazz up your employees’ productivity through innovative employee engagement initiatives

December 23, 2022


  • EDITORIAL TEAM Talent Management Institute
Jazz up your employees’ productivity through innovative employee engagement initiatives

Good communication bridges clarity and confusion. Although, this saying doesn’t always favor the employees at work. When asked about their feelings and experiences at work, the result always seems futile. Most employees feel powerless and disconnected at work. There are instances when employees feel like their job is soul-draining, and they are going through the motions. Regardless of the reason, it’s somber but true that most people at work feel powerless and alienated.

For a company, it's just not enough to conduct employee surveys and believe in the results to put an end to understanding the rate of employee engagement. Surveys are not misspending, but just an initial step to the process. Sharing or communicating the survey results is assuredly vital, but what manifests to employees they are being heard, is the action. Making decisions about what to do might be difficult, consider reading through a variety of employee engagement initiatives.

  • Employee engagement under an effective captaincy
  • Employee engagement under an establishment
  • Employee engagement via alignment
  • Employee engagement focusing on development

Employee engagement under an effective captaincy

‘A ship needs a captain. The crew is important. But it is the captain who steers everything. It is vital to have a clear vision to lead’.

Let’s take inspiration from the aforementioned lines and comprehend the fact that employees want their leaders to galvanize them, keep them interested, and give them their trust. Additionally, they desire that their leaders value their workforce. Here are two things business’s may do to strengthen their leadership:

Activate the company's values

Company culture and values are closely related. It is vital to highlight that over 80 percent of Fortune 100 firms ticket out their values publicly. If a company is unsure of its values, it cannot begin by creating the appropriate goals. The company's values demonstrate its direction and what is significant to it in achieving its goals. What the business believes in should be reflected in the value statement. It serves as the framework for decisions on what to do next, how to behave, and other issues. Talent leaders need to consider it as a set of rules that convey to everybody who reads it the "spirit" of the business.

Leaders should look into bringing life to the value by,

  • Providing employees with examples of the key values. And stay in touch with them frequently.
  • Establishing an emotional link between every fundamental principle and every employee.
  • Demonstrating the way, a company's activities reflect its principles.
  • Increasing focus on employee development

Organize a synthesis session

A leader from each department discusses recent struggles and triumphs as well as shifts in the competitive landscape during monthly "synthesis sessions". The leader should take the initial minutes of the session to share existing opportunities and go over potential future directions.

The unexpended time must be devoted to an open discussion of any queries employees may have regarding the business and any worries they may have regarding potential obstacles to their capacity to assist the business in achieving its objectives.

Employee engagement under an establishment

Employees who are enabled believe they have the necessary supplies and equipment to finish the work. Employees, after all, desire to have faith that their time and effort are being utilized effectively. At a higher level, personnel crave for development to take place and that the business keeps a dominant market position.

The following projects focus on enablement:

Organize a client panel

Nothing helps staff connect to the wider vision like including the perspective of the consumer. Invite a panel of customers to your all-hands meetings to make this voice a frequent one. Each client discusses the benefits of using your product or service for their business as well as some features they would like to see included (or ways the product or service has failed them). Internal clients can be served using a similar strategy.

Publish a transparency report

There must not be an iota of doubt about the fact that transparency fosters a healthier culture at work. It improves the bonds between employees and their employers and supports the development of a cooperative atmosphere. Leaders must consider creating a transparency report that, when applicable, includes Return on Investment (ROI). A transparency report aids in facilitating fruitful discussions about the appropriateness of the resources given to each effort. The amount of money spent on salaries and perks frequently astounds employees.

Employee engagement via alignment

Employees desire a sense of purpose, belonging, and proper involvement in the work of the company. Setting realistic expectations for the role (for instance, during recruitment) is crucial since they also want to feel as though their skills are well-matched to the position. Engagement is significantly impacted when the experience in a role falls short of expectations.

The following actions promote alignment:

Establish a leader communication channel

Companies must use a channel in their internal communication platform where talent leaders are present and available to answer queries to increase staff engagement with leaders. Furthermore, they must indulge in encouraging managers to publish queries and updates in the channel to keep employees interested and actively involved in the conversation. Such platforms are being used by numerous businesses to acknowledge and reward staff. Leaders can designate channels for accolades, team victories, or employee shoutouts. They can even interface with recognition and reward platforms to automatically award employees with benefits when they achieve goals or receive shoutouts.

Understand how employees behave

Even though it's simple to get busy in the daily grind, the finest leaders can spot admirable efforts and actions of all sizes.

The following methods can be used to identify people:

  • Events: A calendar of occasions where individuals are acknowledged for their efforts guarantees intentionality and follow-through. Monthly awards ceremonies can be held by the organization. These events must be used to applaud good work and highlight initiatives that assist the business to fulfil its objectives and move closer to its goal.
  • Cards of gratitude: Firms can take the initiative to offer blank thank-you cards that people may fill out and personally deliver. The HR department can develop templates that relate to corporate principles and ongoing organizational goals. This fantastic method supports an organization’s vision and ideals while praising excellent actions.

Employee engagement focusing on development

Development is consistently mentioned as a key factor in determining employee engagement across our varied sectors. Employees desire to know that they have access to both learning opportunities (formal and informal) and that their managers and leaders care about their advancement.

The following development programs will increase employee engagement:

Establishing a mechanism for employee-led educational initiatives

Businesses that adopt a learning culture foster an atmosphere that encourages curiosity and information exchange, which improves business results. A company can be better prepared for future skill transitions by having a strong learning culture, which encourages staff to take more ownership of their professional growth.

It is necessary to train employees to teach seminars and workshops on a variety of topics, from extracurricular skills to those required for their jobs. The social component encourages cooperation and group support.

These programs to increase employee engagement are the pinnacle of active listening. Your business can demonstrate that it listens carefully to employee feedback by taking thoughtful action. This is the secret to developing a wonderful workplace.

Having stay interviews

An organization's current personnel are interviewed as part of a stay interview. It aids the business in comprehending the positive and negative aspects of the employee's existing workplace. Stay interviews serve as effective feedback mechanisms to gauge employee satisfaction. A skip-level meeting with a senior member of the organization rather than immediate supervisors can be beneficial in departments with higher turnover rates at various points during the employment lifecycle.

Effective stay interviews can be incredibly beneficial in the following ways:

  • Employees feel validated and heard as a result of regular check-ins
  • The issue of employee turnover can be reduced
  • Helps in increasing employee engagement and satisfaction
  • Companies can use feedback as a gift to bring in changes at work

In a nutshell…

Employees that are engaged are happier, more effective, and more likely to remain loyal to the company. In companies, social interactions take place often, and work experiences are matched to the cultural demands of employees to increase employee engagement. Retaining employees requires a company to create an engaging culture that is open and honest and allows for employee success.

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