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Transforming Through People: Talent Management 2.0

May 31, 2016


  • EDITORIAL TEAM Talent Management Institute
Transforming Through People: Talent Management 2.0

21st century is about digital business models. Accelare’s Amber Román and Richard Lynch make a strong case for how new-age businesses need more robust HR to see their business models deliver the bang they want. In continuation, both contend, HR needs to embrace what they call Talent Management 2.0.

They say the digital business ways force HR managers to prepare their ware for organizations transforming into more contemporary service organizations. Their efforts to change, therefore, cannot be approached in segments and isn’t incremental. For HR to enable the organization’s capabilities, HR needs to shift to a service provider mindset and serve the organization as a whole; spotting and solving real business problems. HR leaders need to be measured on how talent impacts the bottom line in organizations. The new focus is on the capabilities of the organization and what HR needs to do to enable them through new innovative ways. This requires a gravity shift.

About the Authors: Amber Roman is a Principal in Accelare’s Strategy to Execution practice, with a focus on enterprise architecture and organizational impacts, while Richard Lynch is a Vice President with Accelare, Inc., and leads the Strategy to Execution Global practice. He is author of The Capable Company (Blackwell-Wiley).

Read more on:
July 20, 2015 • Business Process, Editors' Pick, OPERATION, Strategic Spotlight, STRATEGY & MANAGEMENT, Talent Management

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