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A Glimpse Into The Future Of HR: What To Expect

November 22, 2022


  • EDITORIAL TEAM Talent Management Institute
A Glimpse Into The Future Of HR: What To Expect

HR leaders are preparing for the uncertain world of tomorrow in order to deliver better performances and support their employees as they survive during times of hyper-transformation.

Today’s HR professionals are constantly on their toes. The future of the profession is always creeping up on them, forcing them to adjust their strategies and keeping them from ever getting too comfortable in their roles. After all, what comes next may be completely outside of our sphere of knowledge.

HR professionals deal with some pretty specialized knowledge. While there have been plenty of articles written about how technology will change the future of work, it can be difficult to see exactly how that will impact your day-to-day activities as a human resource professional. Even so, you can rest assured that the changes coming your way as an HR professional are both exciting and challenging in equal measure.

Whether you’re just entering the field or looking to step into a new role, these top predictions for the future of HR are an excellent place to begin your discovery process. Read on to get a peek at what awaits you in this rapidly evolving profession.

HR Tech Will Become Even More Important

New technologies, like artificial intelligence and blockchain, will likely make the HR department even more important. Because many companies are hesitant to fully implement them due to security concerns. HR, however, can serve as a natural conduit for these new technologies, ensuring their employees benefit from them. This will become important because AI and blockchain are set to have a major impact on the future of HR. AI will allow companies to process their data much more quickly and easily, making it smooth as glass to make data-driven decisions in hiring and other areas. Companies are also increasingly investing in blockchain technology for HR. Blockchain is a secure, encrypted technology that can provide a verifiable, secure record of employees’ employment history — making it easier to onboard and verify employees.

Virtual Reality Recruiting Will Become the Norm

Virtual reality has traditionally been used as a marketing tactic, like in the gaming industry, but it’s quickly making its way into the business world too. VR lets candidates experience what it’s like to work at your company. These experiences often include a simulated on-the-job task and can be used to show candidates what it’s like to work in different roles in your company. Companies like Goldman Sachs and GE are already using VR to recruit top talent, while many others are investing in the technology. Virtually Reality is set to become even more prevalent in the future. Between 2018 and 2025, the global VR market is expected to grow at 63.3 percent (Source, Valuates). This rapid growth will likely lead to VR becoming the norm for business recruiting, and even for onboarding new employees. VR can help eliminate geographical restrictions and make it easier for companies to hire remote employees.

AI and Data Science Will Be Key to Finding Talent

AI and data science will become increasingly important for HR departments as time goes on, as companies will need to gather more data to make informed hiring decisions. AI is a helpful technology for gathering and organizing data, which will make it much easier for companies to gather data on potential employees. AI can gather data on everything from skills to personality, which will make it easier to find candidates who are a good fit for the job. This could mean that companies will place even more importance on hiring managers who are skilled at evaluating and interpreting data. Data science skills are in high demand, and many companies will prioritize hiring managers who can make data-driven decisions based on the data they gather.

Companies Will Commit to Culture, not Just Diversity

Diversity and culture have long been a focus for HR departments. In the future, companies will shift their focus from just hiring diverse employees to hiring employees who fit into their company culture. This shift will likely be a response to consumers’ growing concerns about privacy and security. Consumers are now warier than ever about their online data and the way it’s used. Because of this, companies will place more emphasis on hiring employees who fit with the company culture and values. By hiring employees who fit into the company culture, companies can ensure they are protecting their employees’ data and keeping it secure. This will also help companies avoid discrimination lawsuits, which can be heavy on the pocket to defend against.

Everyone will be evaluated on their level of expertise, trustworthiness, and ethical behavior

By 2027, HR professionals will be able to communicate and collaborate with teammates across languages, countries, and cultures thanks to real-time dialect translation, virtual assistants, and avatars that can translate and interpret with nearly no context or message loss.

Similar to how people assess buyers and sellers on online marketplaces, everyone in this type of system, where individuals may not know one another, will be rating one another on trust, competency, and ethical behavior. Additionally, as the business environment shifts, businesses will need to come up with fresh ideas for value creation, utilize we working teams, and promote ventures, businesses, and causes. CEOs and other business leaders need to use information and technology to create a hybrid workplace that accepts all of their employees working preferences.

Employees will glide more toward passion and purpose

Employees desire to have a significant societal influence, and they will achieve this sooner rather than later in life.

People will actively look for chances to connect their work's value and influence to their mission, purpose, and interests. They will be inspired to get more involved and contribute to social innovation and equity by perusing other people's social media posts.

Smart businesses will increase employee attraction by giving them the chance to have a meaningful impact on the world around them in addition to providing greater remuneration. By encouraging staff to share their personal stories, triumphs, and involvement in various social causes, companies can create a narrative that connects and increases engagement.

Final takeaways…

The common denominator among these dynamic changes is flexibility. Recent years have demonstrated that businesses must adapt in order to withstand the continuously shifting public health conditions brought on by environmental dynamics.

Businesses have also had to modify their practices in response to an escalating technicality and the shifting demands of the labor force. In the future, HR departments should be ready to provide employees with a variety of options that take into account their changing needs so they can concentrate on achieving the company's objectives.

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