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TMI standards and frameworks seek to reinforce contemporary HR thought and practice with the critical concepts of Talent Management. However, TMI also seeks to replace traditional Talent Management with its revolutionary new practices and functions. TMI knowledge body and frameworks brings together successful Talent Management strategies from a variety of organizations around the world. The TMI framework then organizes this information into a body of knowledge that is applicable for contemporary HR leadership practice.

The TMI Way

The TMI way is the thought and act of integrating Talent Management into the fabric of organizational HR practices. TMI Credentials and frameworks work to engrain Talent Management as a core within all departments. The TMI way views Talent Management practice as having a consciousness that values the firm and society. The six dynamic elements from Talent Management that are emphasized in an organization's leadership are: the ecosystem, ethos, engine, system, process and practices of Talent Management.

Going to the Roots

The TMI standard-framework seeks to go beyond standard HR tasks and rather make Talent Management a fundamental component to organizations.

TMI has two sets of standard-frameworks defining the two TMI types of credentials. The first set, the TMI Universal Knowledge Framework (TMI-UKF™) is connected to the TMI professional credentials TMP™, STMP™, GTML™ and the TMI-Fellow programs in Talent Management. The Talent Management Body of Knowledge (TMBoK™) and the TMI-UKF™ outline Talent Management knowledge and benchmarks to be utilized for assessing the proficiency of professionals for handling Talent Management in advanced organizations. TMI-UKF™ provides cross-functional knowledge centered on the ability to understand business strategy.

TMI-Enterprise Talent Management Systems (ETMS) is the cornerstone for the TMI-ETMS10™ and TMI-ETMS14™ enterprise-level credentials in Talent Management and is designed for enterprise HR systems that want to adopt the latest Talent Management practices. A core component of the ETMS paradigm involves developing Talent Management systems as an essential pan-organization practice. The two TMI standard frameworks serve to utilize Talent Management beyond the HR department and make it a fundamental leadership responsibility that demands priority from top management.

The TMI Professional Standards

The TMI Universal Knowledge Framework (TMI-UKF™) is the cornerstone of the world's first and most authoritative body of knowledge on the Talent Management industry. The TMI-UKF™ provides HR professionals a set of comprehensive guidelines and benchmarks that can be embedded as functional components of HR throughout the organization.

The TMI-UKF™ is fundamental to all four TMI Credentials- TMP™, STMP™, GTML™ and the TMI-Fellow programs in Talent Management. These certifications reaffirm to growing Talent Management professionals the importance of acquiring knowledge essential for successful job performance. For employers, these credentials prove to be reliable indicators of professional proficiency of existing HR leaders and applicants. In the TMI-UKF™, Talent Management expertise and knowledge has been grouped into foundational and functional knowledge areas. The two sections cover 18 topics of essential knowledge for Talent Management professionals. The elements of the TMI TMBok™ have established the framework along which the TMI Certification exam system is cast. The TMI Handbook on Talent Management includes detailed treatment of the TMI-UKF™ and the TMI Talent Management Body of Knowledge.

The Foundational Lobe Knowledge Areas

  • FY-1Philosophy & Paradigms underlying Talent Management
  • FY-2Theoretical Frameworks of Talent Management
  • FY-3Ecosystem Architecture of Talent Management Practice
  • FY-4Technology Enablers for Talent Management
  • FY-5Functional Framework of Talent Management
  • FY-6Culture & Environment Connects with Talent Management

The Functional Lobe Knowledge Areas

  • FY-1Strategic & Tactical Talent Planning
  • FY-2Talent Systems Establishment & Management
  • FY-3Leader Development & Onboarding
  • FY-4Talent Requirements Assessment
  • FY-5Talent Status Evaluation & Measurement
  • FY-6Talent Spotting & Identification
  • FY-7Talent Breeding & Transformation
  • FY-8Talent Acquisition & Pipeline Management
  • FY-9Talent Performance & Career Management
  • FY-10Talent Engagement & Retention
  • FY-11Succession Planning & Talent Supply Management
  • FY-12Managing Talent Exit, Offboarding, & Outplacement

The TMI Common Body of Knowledge

The Universal Knowledge Framework on Talent Management, the TMI-UKF™, was developed after several stages of research by Talent Management experts and is the backbone of the TMI Talent Management Body of Knowledge (TMBoK™) for human resource professionals and Talent Management practitioners. The TMI-TMBoK™ rigorously structures all knowledge dimensions that are widely recognized as critical for Talent Management practitioners today. This includes essential knowledge in Talent Management concepts, principles and trends.

The 18 TMI-UKF™ Knowledge Lobe areas have been fleshed out into 23 Mandatory Knowledge Topics divided across three segments or parts as exhibited below:

  • PART A: Defining Concepts & Perspectives

    • Management, Business, & Talent Management In the 21st Century
    • Talent Management Imperatives for Organizations in the New Millennium
    • The Talent Management Ecosystem
    • Talent‐Need Analysis Framework for Organizations
    • Framework for Talent Competence Assessment
  • PART B: Elements of Strategy & Leadership

    • Importance of Strategic Talent Management
    • Building Competitive Advantage Through Integrated Talent Management
    • Building Sustainable Talent Through Integrated Talent Management
    • Building the Talent Pipeline: Attracting and Recruiting the Best and Brightest
    • Facilitating Executive Onboarding
    • Identifying and Assessing High-Potential Talent
    • Developing Leadership Talent Through Structured Programs
    • Developing Leadership Talent Through Experiences
    • Managing Leadership Talent Pools
    • Making Leaders More Effective
  • PART C: Critical Focus Areas of Practice

    • Engaging Talents
    • Building Functional Expertise to Enhance Organizational Capability
    • Managing and Measuring Talent Management Effectiveness
    • Managing Talent In Global Organizations
    • Management of Talent Supplies in Global Organizations
    • Succession Planning in Talent-Driven Organizations
    • Employee Performance Management in Talent-Driven Organizations
    • Role of Technology in Talent Management

The exams of the TMP™, STMP™, and the GTML™ Credentials cover these topics in addition to six other topics based on industry cases. To know more about TMI certification exams, please visit the exam section on this website, or click here .

The TMI Enterprise Standards

The TMI-ETMS™ (TMI-ETMS™ Reseas 11.4.3 in current circulation) fulfills the need for a unified, international standard for Talent Management practice in organizations. The TMI-ETMS™ addresses 14 critical strategic dimensions and it sets standards across nearly 100 parameters that impact metrics of Talent Management effectiveness.

Its rigor and coverage makes TMI-ETMS™ the world's first and only organized set of standards that defines systems and practices for optimally managing talents. According to a TMI report on Talent Management practices, the global industry lost more than $5.0 billion USD in the last five years due to causes linked to talent issues ranging from wrong hires to clogged talent pipelines. The report reinforced the view that the intensity of businesses has forced organizations to move from workforce to talent consciousness. In most ways, the TMI-ETMS™ Release 11.4.3 is a forceful TMI argument for treating Talent Management as a hyper-function and distributing its responsibility across departments.

Inspired by the TMI Way

The TMI Talent Management standards for enterprises are derived from the TMI Way. Organizations reporting complete compliance to these standards attain one of the two variants of the prestigious TMI-ETMS™ certifications.

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The 14-Junction TMI–ETMS™ Release 11.4.3

TMI-ETMS™ standards-framework is fleshed on a 14-junction backbone, covering all Talent Management elements and areas critical to sustained excellence in Talent Management practice of an organization's HR fabric.

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TMI PRIDE Driving TMI–ETMS™ Impacts

TMI-ETMS™ thrives on the landmark PRIDE philosophy to help make following a set of world-class standards an organic process for the organization. Compliance with the TMI-ETMS™ standards are established and evaluated along the PRIDEScan™ standards adherence assurance system along which, client organizations working toward TMI-ETMS™ are audited.

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To know more about how you or your organization can benefit from the TMI–ETMS™, please contact us


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